Federal Award Oversight & Compliance Program Support

Since 1964, the U.S Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) has partnered with state and local governments to create and enhance public transportation systems, investing more than $20 billion annually (plus an additional $70 Billion in short-term COVID-19 response and recovery funding) to support and expand public rail, bus, trolley, ferry, and other transit services. That investment has helped modernize public transportation and extended service into small cities and rural communities that previously lacked transit options.

FTA funds public transportation throughout the United States through a variety of formula and discretionary grant funding programs. FTA’s 5307 program provides support to urbanized areas and states for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning. FTA’s 5310 program supports transportation services to meet the special transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities in all areas: large urbanized (200,000 or more in population), small urbanized (50,000-199,999 in population), and rural (under 50,000 in population). FTA’s 5311 program provides capital, planning, and operating assistance to states and federally recognized Indian tribes to support public transportation in rural areas with populations less than 50,000, where many residents often rely on public transit to reach their destinations.

FTA requires recipients of FTA funds to comply with federal regulations and agency-specific program requirements promulgated in congressional authorizing legislation, the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, agency-level program circulars, and other instruments (e.g., Dear Colleague Letters). FTA is responsible for overseeing its grantees for compliance with the terms of its Master Agreement and grant funding agreements. Currently, FTA meets its oversight responsibilities in large part through its Comprehensive Oversight Review and Technical Assistance Program (CORTAP).

Since 1998, DMP has supported CORTAP through the conduct of Triennial Reviews and State Management Reviews of FTA recipients, providing FTA recipient programmatic technical assistance, and performing other FTA oversight program support special projects. In the conduct of CORTAP reviews, DMP evaluates recipient compliance across a broad spectrum of 23 topic areas, including Financial Management and Capacity, Award Management, Subrecipient Oversight, Maintenance, Procurement, Disadvantage Business Enterprise, Title VI, Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, and others. DMP also provides training and technical assistance to recipients on FTA requirements and aids FTA in reporting to the Secretary, Congress, other oversight agencies, and the transit community on FTA programs. Since 2019, DMP has conducted 154 comprehensive Triennial Reviews and State Management Reviews of FTA recipients of various sizes including, New York MTA, Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority, New Orleans Regional Transit Authority, Connecticut Department of Transportation, New Jersey Department of Transportation, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Delaware Department of Transportation, City of Bangor, Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority, City of Harford, Kalamazoo Metro Transit, and Gary Public Transportation Corporation.


Allen County Regional Transit Authority
Androscoggin Valley Council Governments
Bay Metropolitan Transit Authority
Berkshire Regional Transit Authority
Biddeford-Saco-Old Orchard Beach Transit Committee
Borough of Pottstown
Brockton Area Transit Authority
Broome County
Butler County Regional Transit Authority
Cape Ann Transportation Authority
Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority
Capital Area Rural Transportation System
Capital District Transportation Authority
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Casco Bay Island Transit District
Central County Transportation Authority
Central New York regional Transit Authority
Central Shenandoah Transportation District Commission
City of Albuquerque
City of Anderson Transit System
City of Bangor
City of Bayonne
City of Beaumont
City of Beloit
City of Brownsville
City of Chippewa Falls
City of Conroe
City Of Danville
City of Dekalb
City of Glens Falls
City of Hartford
City of Janesville
City of Kokomo
City of Laredo
City of Lawton
City of Long Beach
City of Long Beach
City of Michigan City
City of Middletown
City of Nashua
City of New York
City of Niles
City of Odessa
City of Petersburg
City of Port Arthur
City of Radford
City of Sheboygan
City of South Portland
City of Springfield
City of Stamford
City of Terre Haute
City of Watertown
City of Waukesha
City of West Bend
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Cooperative Alliance For Seacoast Transportation
Count of Nassau
County Of Chemung
County of Clermont
County of Dutchess
County of Fort Bend
County of Harris
County Of Lackawanna Transit System Authority
County of Lorain
County of Miami
County of Nassau
County of Orange
County of Putnam
County of Rockland
County of Suffolk
County of Tompkins
County of Ulster
County of Washington
County of Westchester
County Transit Board of Delaware
Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Delaware Department of Transportation
Delaware River Port Authority
Denton County Transportation Authority
Estuary Transit District
Gary Public Transportation Corporation
Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority
Greater Bridgeport Transit
Greater Hartford Transit District
Greater New Haven Transit District
Greater Portland Transit District (inc)
Green Mountain Transit Authority
Housatonic Area Regional Transit District
Illinois Department of Transportation
Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation
Kalamazoo Metro Transit
Kanawha Valley Regional Transportation Authority
Licking County Transit Board
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
Lowell Regional Transit Authority
Luzerne County Transportation Authority
Maine Department of Transportation
Manchester Transit Authority
Maryland Department of Transportation
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation
Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority
Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (Houston Metro)
Metrowest Regional Transit Authority
Michiana Area Council Of Governments
Michigan Department of Transportation
Milford Transit District
Monroe County Transportation Authority
Montachusett Regional Transit Authority
Naugatuck Valley Council Of Governments
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
New Jersey Transit Corporation
New Mexico Department of Transportation
New River Transit Authority
New York City Transit Authority
New York Department of Transportation
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Long Island Railroad
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Metro North Rail Road
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority – MTA Bus
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) – MTA Headquarters
New York MTA Capital Construction Company
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District
Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority
Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission
Norwalk Transit District
Old Dominion Transit Management Company
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
Plaquemines Parish Government
Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority
Regional Planning Commission
Regional Transit Authority
Regional Transportation Authority
Rhode Island Department of Transportation
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Richland County Transit Board
Rio Metro Regional Transit District
River Parishes Transit Authority
River Valley Metro Mass Transit District
Rochester Genessee Regional Transportation
Rock Region Metropolitan Transit Authority
South Central Transit Authority
Southeast Area Transit District
Southeastern Regional Transit Authority
Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority
Texarkana Urban Transit District
Town of Huntington
Transit Authority Of Northern Kentucky
Transportation And Motor Buses For Public Use Authority (AMTRAN)
Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads
University System of New Hampshire
Vermont Agency of Transportation
Via Metropolitan Transit
West Virginia Department of Transportation
Worcester Regional Transit Authority

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“Thank you Khalique and Dana for your professional and efficient review. Your attitudes and demeanor brought a human side to the process. It was a real pleasure meeting you both and working together to improve the BRTA’s compliance with Federal regulations.”

- Berkshire Regional Transit Authority

“Hi Don,

I hope all is going well in Nashua! Thanks again for your technical assistance, as I said at the exit conference, this was a really helpful and productive review from MTA’s perspective and I thank you and your team for that.”

- Manchester Transit Authority